Add custom fields to the leads page and/or quote form. It can also auto-apply fees and you can create filters on it.
New Features:
- Leads: Optional fields now fully support custom questions and can auto-apply promotions. Configure under Settings->Optional Fields. Documentation
- Promotion & Fees: Allow multiple fees/promotions to auto-apply to the same lead or restrict to only one fee/promotion per lead.
- Alert: When a task is complete, the person who created it can now get a notification.
- Workers: Permissions added for deleting a payment, attachment, and crm journal entry.
- Templates: *travel_duration* is now available as a variable.
- IO Phone: You can create a new lead from an incoming phone call.
- IO Phone: Text messages are now visible from CRM tab.
- IO Phone: Under Overview->Phone you can click the worker to see a breakdown by day
- IO Phone: Settings->IO Phone->Log now shows cost and outgoing calls are listed as well.
- IO Phone: Setting up a new phone number now provides more search options.
- API: Customer tags now append instead of replace. Use cleartags=1 option to replace.
- Locations: Tax rate will auto-clear when location is switched on a lead.
- Wordpress: Inventory increment numbers now available as %increment% in shortcode.
Bugs fixed:
- Overview: Remove contract due leads when event is complete.
- Wordpress: Improved ease of quote page integration on wordpress sites.
- Mobile App: Fixed menu when logged in as a laborer.
- Mobile App: New lead fees now worker properly on mobile.
- CRM: Can now delete a journal note right after saving it.
- Taxcloud: Hid the taxable/non-taxable when taxcloud on, and hid tax category when off.
- Taxes: Improved the reliability of tax rates based on the event address.
- Taxes: Fixed several issues that caused untaxed items to show as taxed.
- Leads: New discount line-item will automatically have negative sign prepended.
- Leads: Surface fees will now apply even if using a pick-up delivery method.
- Leads: Improved shift creation details on log.
- Rentals: The *rental_origamount* is now hidden if it’s lower than current amount.
- IO Phone: Fix to prevent duplicate outgoing calls.
- Texts: Fixed it so you can send a customer a text even when there is no email specified.
- Quickbooks: Online edition now creates missing tax rates if needed.
- Quickbooks: Desktop edition had missing payments from October have been re-queued.
- Quickbooks: Online edition - Fixed duplicate document number.
- Payments: Fixed surcharging bug when using contract page hosted on your website.
- Surcharge: When pressing enter on payment form, it will now apply surcharges.