Release: Customer Pages

Introducing our new customer facing pages, including the quote form and contract page. These pages have an updated style, are mobile optimized, support showing availability before your customer gets a quote, and have true digital signatures including touch enabled signatures. We have also added contact form capability so your customer contact requests can be fed directly into your the software account.


Physical signatures added to contract page


Contact form can be added to your website


Mobile friendly


Packages (advanced) shown on quote form

Other New Features:

  • Delivery: Added mileage to the turn-by-turn directions on the delivery print-out.
  • Leads: The notes section auto-expands to the first one that has content in it.
  • Leads: Looking up past customer causes referral to be set to Repeat Customer.
  • Payment Types: These can now be customize (ie. Credit, Cash, Check). Email us to change.
  • Reports: You can have lead reports only use the event start date (instead of the full event duration) in the report so that the sales numbers will match QB. Add useStartDate=1 to the end of the URL.
  • Sales Rep: Permission added to only allow the admin or sales rep to edit their own lead.
  • Workers: Added emails received to the Log tab of workers

Bugs fixed:

  • Emails: Fixed the log time of when emails where sent to be in local time.
  • Emails: Can now see the open time of emails even if the %open_image% variable isn’t used.
  • Leads: Travel time will auto calculate to 0 if delivery type is a customer pickup.
  • Leads: Fixed Save Copy to not copy the delivery windows.
  • Leads: Improved log to track better track changes in rentals.
  • Multi-Locations: Overview charts now shows the locations that report is filtered by.
  • Paypal: Chargebacks now handled and will update the payments of that lead.
  • Reports: Fixed Overview custom dates to work on chrome.

See all updates

New Pages Setup Instructions

Setup and Test:

1. Go to

2. Activate each of the items listed by clicking, editing, check active, and Save.

3. (optional) Go to Settings->General Settings. Edit it and set the first Option Allow Customers to View Rental Availability (Quote Form): Yes

At this point you'll be able to see/test the new pages. We can customize your wrapper so it looks like your existing website for a $50 fee if you would like. The wrapper can contain your website design and you use the variable *page_content* in the section where you want the quote form to appear.

If you had multiple quote pages with certain rentals assigned to specific quote pages, you'll need to go through your inventory and set which items should be on the new quote pages.

To switch your live quote page from the old to new ones take these steps:

1. Note: If you have more than one actively used quote page, do not continue. Instead email us so we can properly assign old leads to be assigned to the correct new quote pages.

2. If you have only one active quote page, Go to Settings->Customer Pages and delete your old quote page.

This will cause your new quote pages to become the default ones for all your old quotes and links. If you need to restore the old quote page and stop using the new one you'll need to email us so we can re-activate it.

Note: Make sure your Quote Request, Quote Confirm, and Contract page all have the same group name. If you are making multiple quote pages then each "set" should share the group name

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