View the contents of any email sent
Save Lead filters for future use
Send a newsletter to a particular customer type
Configure auto-emails to send different ones to different events using saved lead filters
New Features:
- Leads: Save lead filters by setting any of the filters or more filters, then click save filter at the bottom-left. Next time you reload the lead page the filter list at the top-left will contain the new one. Each worker account will only see their own saved filters.
- Payments: We now support E-checks through
- Quotes: Customers can now be warned if they accidently set the event length unusually long (contact us to set this)
- Workers: Send an email to all workers from the workers page by first setting the filter on the left (if needed), then click ‘email workers’ without checking any of the individual workers.
- Emails: You can now view the contents of any email sent through the system. Only emails sent after today are saved.
- Emails: Newsletters can now be be filtered by customer type so you can send one to only your Schools and a different one to only Residential Customers.
- Emails: You can now create multiple auto-emails and assign a lead filter to it. For example you can create a lead filter for delivery type ‘pick-up’ and assign it to an event reminder email telling them to bring an appropriate vehicle.
Email Filter Setup:
- Create and save a Lead Filter that will be used for your an auto-email.
- In Email Center, edit the email that you want to customize
- Set the Lead Filter and click Save Copy.
- When you re-load the Email Center you’ll now see both emails. The filtered ones are sent to first to any matching events. Any that don’t match will be sent the non-filtered email. Customers won’t get more than one of the same email.
Note: Multilingual customers use the above to set different languages for all emails.
Bugs fixed:
- Leads: Faster loading of categories when working on a lead
- Leads: Invalid email addresses will now error when trying to save
- New Quote Pages: Fixed Facebook posting issues
- New Quote Pages: Fixed upsell to use the increment number when adding upsell items to quote
- New Quote Pages: When editing an existing quote it now properly selects items when categories are collapsed
- New Quote Pages: Signed contracts now properly showing signature
- New Quote Pages: Alerts now include the contents of the quote instead of just a link
- New Quote Pages: Better error message when a customer forgets to sign the contract
- New Quote Pages: Customers now receive a warning when getting a quote for a long event
- New Quote Pages: Fixed survey and safety pages to use new wrapper properly
- New Quote Pages: Fixed issue where workers couldn’t register(only affected accounts created in last 2 months)
- New Quote Pages: Fixed a timezone issue for multi-location accounts using the new quote pages
- New Quote Pages: Fixed issue with event date calendar going off the screen on some mobile devices and iframes