It’s been a while since we talked. It’s not you, it’s me. I’ve been busy, in fact, we all have here at the software. Over the last few months you’ve probably noticed a whole lot of changes. Well guess what, we’ve got some more for you. This is the first release focused specifically on enhancing our software based on feedback from our growing base of users. I said first, because we already have a bunch more in testing that should be out soon after. Enjoy!
- Categories now show up in the admin side allowing you to quickly find the rentals you are looking for. You choose the following category displays for the admin leads page: selected rentals on top or strictly by category. They will be collapsible/always expanded based on your customer interface category settings.
- We now allow you to set a drop-off and pick-up window instead of setup/tear down durations. They are also available to be shown on your contract.
- You are also now able to remove display of sales tax on your quotes if you would like.
- Multi-day quotes are now possible through both the customer and admin interface. You may disable it for your customer interface and still use it as an administrator.
- We can now break-out your rental prices on your quotes if you would like us to turn on that option.
- You can start a new lead from a customer record now.
- We replaced the “check conflicts” link with the “update” button. It will check for conflicts as well as recalculate the quote if you want it to. Basically it lets you quickly get quotes without saving. Once you like the quote, save it. Using it with the “recalculate” option checked will clear any manual values and do a complete recalculation. Otherwise, the system will only recalculate empty price fields.
- You can now enter “10%” or “2*150″, and we’ll do the math in most price fields.
- We are also allowing you to manually enter any rental price, staff, and delivery charges.
- A feature still in process is the ability to change the rental time for each rental on the quote. Simply click the link “Advanced Times” and set times for any rental on the quote. The system will then use those times to calculate prices for those rentals. Rentals without specific times set will use the main quote time. If you change the main quote time, all rentals will be reset to that time. This does not work with availability yet. We still use the quote time for that, but we hope to roll out that change soon.
- Times are now easier to set in both the admin and customer interface page for quoting. Now we use one input box instead of three, speeding the process.
- Browser compatibility has been improved, and there is more of this to come with our update in testing.
Some of these settings are not available in your user interface yet. Contact us if you would like us to alter these for your account. Quite honestly, we’ve made so many updates that we probably forgot to list some. More great changes are on the way shortly. Thanks!