Prioritize your feature requests
We are making a transition in how we are handling feature requests for the future. As you know, we think you all have great ideas, and we often will quickly incorporate many of those ideas. But since we are receiving so many great ideas, we are no longer able to keep up with all of the requests. This new feature request policy will allow us to prioritize what is most important to all of you and to the development of the software in general. Here's how it will work:
When you submit a feature request, we will add it to the list. It is up to our discretion on where it lands in the list, and we will certainly try to get to it as soon as possible. This is no different than what we are doing now. But wait! Here's the new part. Now we are giving you some control over the list. You are now able to pay for any feature you would like to see done quickly. If the amount you offer is sufficient to move the item to the top of our list, we'll tell you how we will incorporate it and when to expect it done. If this is agreeable to you, we'll take your payment and complete the feature as agreed upon.
As always, bugs will be fixed as soon as possible.
Other Updates:
- You can now filter the overview pages by Sales Rep
- Fixed bug on Lead Reporting when filtering by rentals
- Fixed bug on promotions for get rentals by % off, that wouldn't discount multiple quantity rentals properly