You can now create or update your wordpress website with your inventory in the software. Any new items or updates made to inventory will automatically update your website. It also includes an optional shopping cart.
This feature costs $20/mo for unlimited websites. See for a live example.
New Features:
- Rentals: You can now see related items in a list when viewing the item details on the Settings page.
- Quote Request: New condensed quote request form is now the default. Go to Settings->Pages, edit your Quote Request and click ‘load default` and check the active box to activate it. Note: this will overwrite any customizations
- Quote Request: Shopping cart will show only selected items and cart will clear when new cart is built when selected_only=1 and clear_rentals=1 is passed in the URL.
- Leads: Improved filtering on the leads page, especially for large accounts. More filters has been removed. Instead the keyword box can be used to access additional filters. Added filtering by delivery type, referral, and workers/vehicles. All date filtering has been condensed as well. Keywords still functions as normal if you hit enter or click the arrow button next to it.
- Leads: Contract tab will now warn you if the event has a conflict
- Settings Page: Settings page links and content have been reorganized to be more natural.
- Wordpress integration: see above for details
Bugs fixed:
- Delivery: Fixed issues that caused duplicate blocks and shifts to be created.
- Quote Request: Rental tiles are forced to be the same size. Long text is clickable to show.
- Quote Request: Unavailable options hidden when Hide Unavailable is checked.
- Quote Request: Show options as separate units now works with the Hide Unavailable option.
- Reports: Sorted reports now show a total row at the bottom.
- Sales Reps: Inactive sales reps will no longer receive alert emails.
- Multi-location: Packing list improvements for surfaces in different locations.
- Leads: Adding a tax rate will increase the total instead of increase the discount and maintain the total.