More Filters Improvements, Duplicate Notes, and Minor Updates
This week's update is mostly a bunch of minor features and upgrades. As always, we take your feedback and roll it into our product as soon as time allows. Here's a list of some of the more significant and requested updates:
- The "more filters" feature now includes payment dates, categories, and seperates options from rentals. Also, it shows child/parent and serial numbers as needed
- Fixed the issue with customer notes getting duplicated
- Conflicts: fixed issues with unselected parent/child items showing conflicts when there were none
- Conflicts: when the event date/time changes it now resets the hold time of rentals for that event
- Added the Moneris payment gateway
- Quickbooks: Events that receive payments over the Total, now get entered correctly
- Organization is now disabled on the quote page for residential customers
- Customers tab now has one field for the customer's name
- Fixed IE bugs related to the "Please Wait" message
- And many more minor updates were made as well