Distance Charges Based on Driving Distance
You can now have the distance from your warehouse to the event be calculated as actual driving distance instead of zipcode to zipcode. Your account will stay on the old method until you switch it by going to Settings->Distance Charges. You may want to adjust your charges since distances will come back on average 20% higher now that they are no longer straight line distances.
Switch distance calculation method
New Features:
- Distance calculation by address
- Profit estimations now possible (see documentation for details)
- Updated user documentation (we now have 16 topics)
- Taxcloud exemption certificates now pre-populate
- Worker accept & declines now show in Calendar - Worker Shifts view
- When updating a customer profile, the screen is now highlighted.
See the pink background when New Profile is not checked
Bugs fixed:
- Upsell fixed to properly show selected upsell items
- Worker request off email alerts content fixed
- Sales rep now travels with quotes when a customer makes a change
- Taxcloud exemption certificates now get reset when editing a new one
- Vehicle Packing List now uses correct packing list (based on surface)
- Vehicle Packing List now requires (g) next to packing list items that are to be grouped together (see documentation for more details)