New Features:
- WordPress: Customer pages can now stay on your site instead of redirecting to the software
- Alerts: New alert for when and admin puts a payment on a lead
- Alerts: Workers that request off can now get an alert when someone takes their shift
- Quote Page: You can now show pictures of accessories by default when a rental item is clicked
- IMAP: Now showing last error when setting up integration
- Filters: Filters on the leads page now show you where they are used when you select them (ex. emails)
Bugs fixed:
- Conflicts: Fixed issues where routing was showing conflicts when it should not
- Vendors: Fixed issues of incorrect vendor documents being sent to vendors and auto-complete bug
- Leads: Fixed issue of accessories not being in the right order
- Logging: Fixed incorrect logging caused by auto booking
- Logging: Fixed issues with logging emails
- Payroll: Fixed issue of slightly different mileage on report vs QB sync
- Payments: Payment types sorted properly
- ROI: Improved ROI calculations for rentals
- QuickBooks Online: Fixed issue with payments not going in for some leads
- Training: Fixed issue of limited text and checking correctness of multiple answer questions
Packages: Fixed issue of not being able to select accessories for packages