New Features:
- Emails: Payment receipt auto-email added to the Email Center. Previously this was automatically sent and was not customizable, but now you can configure it. You MUST activate this if you would like your customers to continue to receive payment receipts by email (they’ll still get a receipt on the screen).
- Contract: Different default contracts can be assigned to each quote page. Contact us to activate this.
- Leads: Can now require balance to be paid in order for an event to move to Complete status.
- Leads: Added Venue Name & Contact and Customer First & Last Name to the keyword search filter.
- International: Added Country field to Leads. Activate it under Settings->General->Deliver to other Countries.
- International: We now support 28 countries for mapping and driving distance calculations.
- International: Added UK mobile phone providers for email to text delivery.
- Payments: Added support for Ogone payment gateway.
- Distance Charges: Added ability to set distance charges based on 2, 3, or 4 digit postal codes.
Bugs fixed:
- Contracts: Made it so printing rental loops is easier to use
- Emails: Fixed issue with deposit due and received emails sometimes going out incorrectly.
- International: Fixed date format issue on delivery windows and promo dates in settings.
- Leads: Fixed issue where tax rate was recalculating when 0 was entered w/o marking exempt.
- Leads: Fixed issue with ‘new profile’ not working properly on existing leads.
- Leads: Fixed issue where editing the event tab caused certain fields on the contract tab to reset.
- Promotions: Fixed issue with options not qualifying for promotions.
- Quotes: Fixed ability to submit tax exemption certificate for quote.