Overview -> Vendors now provides a snapshot of vendor activity
New Features:
- Leads: Optional Fields now support date type which you can also use in filters.
- Workers: Permission added to allow worker to add/edit payments
- Workers: Permission added to allow exports/reports for customers, leads, workers
- Reports: Vendor columns added to custom report options
- Leads: Allowed page to expand to max browser width
- IO Phone: Added duration to VM alert
- Vendors: Added alert when a PO is signed
- Vendors: Added a section under Overview for Vendors
- Vendors: Calendar now has an option to see scheduled vendors
- Mobile App: Improved mobile payments process
- Mobile App: IO Phone dialer added
- Mobile App: Can now your worker shifts when you have Lead access
Bugs fixed:
- Quote Page: Fixed issue where duplicate accessories would sometimes get added to new leads
- Password: Fixed the reset password link
- Inventory: Fixed it so parent/child items now properly show up in search
- Delivery: Fixed glitch with deleted warehouse work shifts sending emails
- Delivery: Fixed vehicle packing list to also include main item name when packing list is defined
- Warehouse: Fixed issues with Zip+4 messing up calculations and contact form
- Reports: Allowed rental quantity to be summed when grouping by item name
- Wordpress: Various updates to the io template themes
- Wordpress: Book now button can now act the same as ‘checkout’. Requires update to io_rental shortcode.
- IO Phone: Delays related to greetings/music have been fixed
- Quote Page: Prevent advanced times from being outside of event time
- Quote Page: Better errors added when auto-booking fails due to distance restrictions
- Authorize.net: Now pass event organization over to gateway
- SquarePayments: Fixed glitch where surcharging wouldn’t always calculate correctly
- Multi-Location: Fixed glitch where quick-add vendor items were sometimes assigned to all locations
- Packages: Fixed glitch where advanced packages would sometimes be missing “Add to Quote”
- Vendors: Made adding new vendor items less confusing
- Vendors: Fixed glitch with advanced times not used in vendor emails
- Filters: Due keyword now properly saves with Filter
- Filters: Pay: < 1 now works to show all leads without a payment
- Mobile App: General stability, bugs, and layout improvements
- Mobile App: Can remove individual keywords from filters now