New Features:
- Booking: Restrict auto booking by business hours
- Delivery: Vehicles will now show which items it contained recently
Bugs fixed:
- Calendar: Calendar view options will no longer get reset when switching dates
- Delivery: Removed map points that didn’t belong when the delivery/pickup spanned multiple days.
- Delivery: The vehicle packing list now shows common items sorted alphabetically
- Emails: Fixed issue where yearly reminder emails would sometimes go out too soon
- Emails: Fixed issue where some emails that were viewed by the customer wouldn’t show as opened
- Leads: Fixed issue where ‘Please Wait…’ wouldn’t show up when editing a lead
- Leads: Fixed issue when searching for past customer or venue that would sometimes not work
- Quickbooks: Fixed issue where modified payments would sometimes not go into QB
- Workers: You can now search for a worker by username in the keyword box