New Features:
- Emails: You can new hit reply on survey alert emails to email the customer directly
- Leads: You can now hide items that aren’t available when working with a lead.
- Leads: The venue address will now auto-fill when an existing venue is selected from the venue search
- Leads: You can now filter leads by Customer Type (use more filters)
- Leads: Electric circuits needed now shown on the lead event tab
- Workers: Added salesrep commission flag to statuses so you can control which statuses are used in payroll to determine sales rep commission. It is on for any ‘complete’ statuses by default.
Bugs fixed:
- Calendar: Sorting of options now done alphabetically on the Day View
- Customer Interface: Removed ‘check availability’ option for customers when it is showing availability to customer is enabled.
- Customer Interface: Fixed %venuename% so it can be used on the quote page.
- Leads: Customer type will no longer have a default selection
- Multi-Location: Calendar pages are now filtered by location
- Prices: Can now filter when viewing prices so Quick-Add items don’t clutter the list
- Rentals: Items with the same name are now combined on contracts
- Reports: Fixed issue where ‘shift’s needing scheduled’ chart wouldn’t show correctly if setup/teardown times aren't set properly
- Reports: Fixed issue where number of contacts included duplicates
- Taxes: Tax rate now stored to 3 decimal places
- Workers: Fixed an issue where a worker’s google calendar wasn’t updated when shift changed
- Workers: Updated worker calendar to display dates properly if they have multi-day shifts
- Workers: Updated ‘email workers’ on shift tab to never email a shift that has already happened