Facebook integration has been removed. Unfortunately Facebook has removed the ability to create events for customers through their API.
New Features:
- Leads: Open a lead in a new tab by right clicking it on the list
- Leads: Search existing customers by organization name
- Leads: Added IP address to the log tab
- Leads: Added shift changes to the log tab (for future shift changes)
- Leads: Added a new MANUAL email template: Customer - Invoice (activate it in Settings->Email Center)
- Payments: Can now customize your payment types (Settings->Pricing->Payment Types)
- Quote Page: Billing address now auto-populates on Contract/Payment Page
- Quote Page: Customer notes field enabled to work on the Contact Form (in addition to event notes)
- Rentals: The rental inventory page has been re-organized and “Options” are now called “Accessories”
- Rentals: Added lead history to log tab of rental item
- Rentals: Added logging of changes made to rental item
- Rentals: Added recovery time to rentals so an item can be unavailable for additional time after an event
- Reports: You can now set whether the Overview reports include sales tax or not in the total (Settings->General Settings)
- Reports: Added ‘Rental Taxable’ field to the lead reports (doesn’t work if Taxcloud is used)
- Survey: You can now tell the difference between Manager and Customer surveys. Also, event details are included on Manager Reports
- Subscription: You can now add/update your bank or credit card used to pay your the software subscription by going to Settings->Subscription (at the top-left)
- Workers: Payroll report can now include a mileage pay and per rental pay for hourly employees
- Workers: Payroll report now shows overlapping shifts in red (to prevent double-pay)
- Workers: Added worker site permission to allow worker to see other people’s shifts
- Workers: Manager Report (survey) is now be controlled by the position. Mark the Reporter flag on the position, and assign the worker this position that you would like to receive the email.
- Workers: Added color key to the bottom of the page and made colors brighter
- Workers: Added city and event organization to shift details if you are assigned to the shift
Bugs fixed:
- Calendar: Changing location no longer resets the date
- Leads: Fixed an issue with soft conflicts (highlighted in yellow) not always showing up
- Leads: Fixed recommended volunteer/staff numbers
- Leads: When trying to save a lead when you aren’t logged on, it now properly displays error
- Leads: Fixed an issue where event county wouldn’t show up when distance greater than 50 miles
- International: Fixed auto-adjust of lead end date when start date changed.
- Multi-Location: Rentals now must have category set in the Location pop-up
- Payments: $0 payments no longer possible
- Quote Page: Added promotion description to the Quote Confirm page when they are receiving one
- Quote Page: When account set to not allow multi-day quotes, removed end date from form
- Survey: Fixed an issue where survey alert emails weren’t going out
- Survey: No longer show rentals that are set to not be on the Quote Confirm page
- Workers: Fixed bug that was preventing workers to grant other workers permissions in some situations.