Santa was not the only one busy this winter. At the software, we've been adding a massive amount of updates to our software. Quite honestly, I think we even have Mr. Claus beat on this one. He only delivers once a year, while we've been delivering updates all year long. And we put some of our best work together for you this winter. We've also seen a significant increase in customers this past winter as everyone is preparing to have a big year in 2012. Don't be left out. Get the software now so that you can have your best year yet in 2012 (assuming the Mayans were wrong).
- Multiple Location Support: We can now support customers with warehouses in multiple locations. Are you an owner of a rental franchise or do you want to be one? We can give your franchisees their own accounts, and you can manage every account. You can also share items between locations.
- Large Companies: If you are a large company, you need the software. We've made serious speed and usability improvements for all you guys with hundreds and hundreds of rentals.
- Canadian Support: We now support Canadian customers. Let me be clear that our software supports them, but I'm not sure how I feel about the way you spell some of your words. Cheques? Hmmm, sounds suspect to me.
- Miscellaneous: Of course we've had many minor changes as well: better handling of large quantities, more flexibiity on pricing, additional automated emails, ability to specify sales reps, customized packing lists and surveys available, improved contract paging and display, ability to add automatic fees, upsell improvements, and lots more!