Release: Surcharge on credit card payments

Subject: Surcharge on credit card payments

New Features:

  • Surcharge: You can now set a surcharge amount to be added based on the payment method a customer chooses to pay with. Note: The increased fee can also increase the tax, so the surcharge % charged may be slightly higher than the % you put in the settings.

Configure under Settings -> Payment Preferences

The surcharge amount will be shown to the customer based on the payment method they choose. When they make a payment the Fee, Tax, and Total will be affected.

  • Overview: Added a bar to the Overview -> Charts to show how many orders were created by customers vs leads created by staff.
  • Emails: You can now set a custom email server to use to send emails instead of using our servers. If your company email is AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail, or Gmail it is recommended you configure this as emails may not be delivered. Note: This can only be set by the primary account holder.

Configure a custom email server under Settings -> Email Preferences

Bugs fixed:

  • Alerts: Fixed issue with surveys not sending alerts if using a customized survey
  • API: Fixed issue with check availability not showing the proper available quantity
  • Conflicts: Changing quantity of a rental now updates conflicts on any events containing that item
  • Delivery: Fixed an issue with auto-loading that was causing delivery blocks to overlap
  • Leads: Fixed an issue with DST causing an issue with setting the time of an event on the DST switch
  • Multi-Location: Fixed bug in upsell causing a new lead to not have the location set
  • New Quote Pages: Fixed issue where restrict by distance was not working properly
  • New Quote Pages: Added color key for conflicts and fixed issue where availability colors weren’t showing properly on quote confirmation
  • New Quote Pages: Fixed issue with signing the contract on some versions of Internet Explorer
  • New Quote Pages: Fixed issue with coupon codes not always working
  • New Quote Pages: Disabled the ability to delete a quote page that is assigned to leads
  • Template Variables: Added ability to choose whether *company_name* is set from company details page or from the customer interface page name (contact us to change this)
  • Vehicle Pack List: Added serial numbers next to rentals

See all updates

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