Google Adwords and Worker Updates
New Features:
- Google Adwords tracking (Settings->Google Tracking to setup)
- Workers can acknowledge when they are scheduled. Email them from the Schedule tab, and see their responses on Overview->Workers.

- When adding a worker to the schedule, you can now see their availability

- Receipts now include more details and are available for admins (on Contract tab)

- When a sales rep views the overview page, it automatically filters to show only their sales. You can configure this for each worker for whether it will show only their sales or total sales by default.
Bugs fixed:
- Status now properly gets changed to Confirmed if first paid in full and then contract signed
- Updating customer information on lead no longer causes duplicate customer profiles
- Deleting a child item that is part of a lead is not allowed, and now properly shows an error
- Custom worker survey link on workers site has been corrected