Website - Purchasing a Domain Name

Purchasing a Domain Name

(See the bottom of this article to view a video walkthrough)

Each website has 2 components.

1. The Domain: Web address for the website to direct customers to the right website

2. Web Hosting: Where the site lives and data is stored

If you are launching a website with us, we provide the web hosting for free within the cost of our WordPress/API module. You don't want us to own your domain, though. That is something that should always be registered to you only.

There are many places to purchase a domain name, you can Google "domain registrars". If you are looking for trusted source, we purchase our internal domain names from On any of these sites, you will enter the web address you wish to purchase and they will show you the annual cost (they are usually anywhere from $7-15/year (USD)).

When purchasing your domain, you don't need to add on any hosting or security certificates since we provide all of that when using our WordPress Plugin and having us manage the site.

Introduction to Domains

What is a Domain Name?

Imagine your e-commerce site as a store; the domain name is its street address on the internet. This unique name, such as "," allows customers to find and visit your website with ease.

Why is a Domain Name Important for an E-commerce Site?

A domain name is vital for several reasons:

  • You can't have a website with one!
  • Brand Identity: It represents your brand online.
  • Credibility: A professional domain enhances trust.
  • Marketing: A memorable name aids in marketing and ensures that customers remember how to find you again.

Types of Domains

Top-Level Domains (TLDs)

These are the suffixes at the end of a domain name, like ".com" for commercial or ".org" for organizations. Niche TLDs such as ".store" or ".shop" can also set your e-commerce site apart and instantly communicate what you do.

Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs)

If you're targeting a specific country, ccTLDs like ".us" or ".uk" can help localize your business and appeal to national customers.

Choosing a Domain Name


Select a name that reflects your brand, is easy to spell, and is memorable.

Using unconventional spellings or inserting uncommon letters can create confusion and make it difficult for potential customers to find your website. For instance, replacing an "s" with a "z" (e.g., "Bizzness" instead of "Business") might seem unique, but it can lead to misspellings and make your site harder to remember and locate. Stick to simple, clear, and easily recognizable words to ensure your audience can easily navigate to your site without frustration.


Including relevant keywords can improve your SEO, making it easier for customers to find you online.

Domain Name Availability

Check the availability of your desired name through a domain name search on a registrar's website.

Domain Length and Legibility

Shorter is usually better, and avoid numbers or hyphens which can confuse customers.

Domain Registration

How to Register a Domain

  1. Choose a domain name.
  2. Select a domain registrar. (Like
  3. Check for availability by going to the site and entering your desired web address to see if it is available.
  4. Register an account with the service
  5. Complete the purchasing and registration of the domain

Domain Hosting and E-commerce Platforms

Difference Between Domain and Hosting

Your domain is the address; hosting is the virtual land where your website's files live. Running one of our websites means you don't have to worry about hosting — we've got you covered.

Launching the Website on your Domain

We'll help you point your newly registered domain to our hosting service, making the setup seamless.

Managing Your Domain

Renewal and Expiration

Keep track of your domain's  payment expiration date to avoid losing it. Setting up Auto-Pay for your account is highly recommended. Losing ownership due to non-payment and having someone else later purchase your domain is a terrible worst-case scenario.

Domain Transfers

If you ever need to transfer your domain, it's usually a simple process that we can assist with.

Security and Legal Issues

SSL Certificates

If you are running one of our websites, we provide SSL certificates (the lock icon in the address bar), ensuring that your customers' data is secure and that you're trusted online.

Trademark and Domain Law

Choose a domain that doesn't infringe on trademarks to avoid legal issues.

By understanding these key elements of domain names, you'll be equipped to establish a strong online presence for your e-commerce venture. And remember, with us, hosting and security are taken care of, so you can focus on growing your business.

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