WordPress - Remove Duplicate IO Pages Tool

The InflatableOffice WordPress plugin now has a feature that allows users to remove duplicate pages generated by a site sync.

Duplicate pages don't normally happen, but if you've clone a page or an entire website, or have a webhost firewall blocking certain requests our sync makes, there may be duplicate pages created

The tool communicates with our database to see what pages the system recognizes, then searches the site for pages not in that list that contain IO short code. Pages that match that criteria are then moved to the trash if trash is enabled in WordPress. If trash is not enabled, then the pages are instead deleted permanently. Pages moved to the trash can be restored. When pages are restored they are put into draft mode and will have to published again.

Tool is located under Pages in WordPress, next to the Add New Page button.

When clicked, it will show a warning explaining that the process is automated and may make mistakes. Pressing proceed will allow the process to run. If you have a very large number of pages on your site, the process will take some time to complete. Do not close the page until it is finished. The process will take up to 10 minutes to complete. In that time, some pages may be deleted and the process can run again in case others didn't get removed in time. If the process runs out of time and no pages are deleted, that means there are too many pages for the process to search through. In that case, pages must be manually deleted until the process has enough time to delete some pages.

The types of pages deleted are only pages that contain IO short code but are not recognized in our database. This means pages made and maintained by the sync process. If you manually add IO short code to pages not generated by the sync process, then they will be deleted.

Types of duplicate pages that can be removed:

  • Rental pages
  • Category pages
  • All item pages
  • All category pages
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