Leads - Venues

Using Venues

To use venues, first go to Optional Fields and turn on the Venue fields that you want to use. At minimum, you should turn on the Venue Name field. This will then show on the leads page when you are entering in venue information. It is not a required field, but as you will see below, it can save you time.

How Venues Save You Time

If you create a lead and enter a venue name (Examples: Hotels, Parks, etc.), it will save the venue details to be recalled again on future leads. This is particularly useful if you regularly use certain venues. By typing in the venue name on the lead, you will be able to select matches, and it will autofill in all of the venue information. That includes possibly important venue notes you may have put on the venue for your staff to see.  

Updating Venue Information

Changing the venue information for any lead, will change the venue information for EVERY other lead that has the same venue attached to it. The same will happen if you edit the venue on the venue settings page.  

You can set full access permission for venues on a worker profile, which will allow the worker to work with the venues page as well as update and create venues directly from the lead. If you give the worker read only permission for venues, they will only be able to search and use venues that are created. If they alter this information, those changes are saved to the lead and not the venue. The link between the venue and lead is also broken at that time. You must select a venue from the list that shows when typing if you want to import that venue information. You must also have full access permission to venues if you want to alter venue information directly from a lead and see it propagate to other leads.  

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