Rental Inventory - Sharing Between Locations in Your Account (Multi-Location Accounts)

Sharing Inventory Between Multi-Location Accounts

You can share your inventory with another location within the same account through the software.  Typically companies do this when they need to run each location as a separate business and properly account for money in and out of each business.  However, you may find additional applications.  Keep in mind that this will increase your inventory count since you are making a copy of each item that is shared.  

Most of the same features found in our article on sharing with other users apply, but there are some differences.  Primarily those are related to setup, and you can find that information below.  

When in your inventory, select the checkbox for the items you want share. If you want all of your inventory shared on the list you are viewing, you can click the checkbox in the header at the top of table. You will need the multi-location module on for this.

Once you've selected the items you want to share between other locations, you'll need to click "Share to Location" from the drop down and select the location in which you are sharing inventory with.

You'll then select the location you would like to share inventory with. You'll then see that the one piece of inventory is listed as a Vendor Item.

You will have to go into your shared inventory items to make a few adjustments. For example, we copy over the price so you may need to edit the price per location. We also clear the category for you, unless both locations have the same category name (must be exact).

*Note: If the inventory item is being rented out by one location, this will take the inventory item out of stock for the other location, too.

Automatic Lead Status Change

For the lead created with the original item in the location the item actually exists, you can have it auto upgrade to a contracted event when the customer lead moves to a confirmed status. This ensures that the item is properly removed from inventory in original location. This is found in Settings -> General Preferences -> Vendor Settings.

Automatic Contract Email

For the lead created with the original item in the location the item actually exists, it can be useful to have the contract automatically email out to the lead in the other location. Often this is a business/brand/location you own, so this takes effort out of handling 2 leads for what effectively is one event. It is turned on by default. Below you can see where to find it so that you can customize it to your liking.  

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