Rental Inventory - Parent/Child Items

Child Items - Wet/Dry Units

Child items are used when you want to have the same item displayed twice on the quote page, but have its availability tracked as if it is the same item.

For example: You can have a Slide displayed as both a Wet Slide and a Dry Slide and this will allow you to set different prices and/or categories for the same item. You can add the same piece of inventory into multiple categories. If one unit is rented out by one customer, the other unit will be unavailable for another customer.

Note: Child items should always have the same value in Build Quantity. If it is the same item, you do not have to enter the build quantity. The biggest unit must be the Parent item, and the smaller units must be the child item. The child item build the larger/parent item.

To set up relationships, you would want to start building the relationship on the parent item; making the larger item the parent in the relationship. See example in the video:

If you have a more complicated build, please see this article, or you may need to add these as required accessories. If you need additional assistance with this, please contact our support team. 

Watch this tutorial video on how to link the relationships together for a wet/dry unit.

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