Settings - General Preferences

Below is an explanation of the various settings in Settings -> General Preferences.

Hide unavailable items that are unselected on leads:

Turning this on, will make it so that when an office worker is booking a lead (clicking "new lead" from the Leads page in the back end, or editing an existing one), items that have a conflict, will not display in the rentals list. Items with a conflict (normally displayed in red) will allow you to hover over them to see the other lead they conflict with. Turning this feature on, will hide them all together. This does not guarantee items can't be overbooked manually, though, because it is possible to first select an available item, then change the date to a time period where it would be booked. 

*Our general recommendation is to leave this setting off, so that you can see all of your inventory and have more information to work with, rather than hiding the inventory items all together.*

When admin overbooks:

Customers cannot overbook an item through our online booking process, but it is possible for a back end "admin" to do this. Overbooked leads are always flagged, and the overbooked items display in red text. Additionally, you can use this setting to throw further warnings when the save button is clicked or prevent the lead from saving completely (not recommended). 

Concise View:

The concise view setting allows the customer, venue, inventory, and total sections to be combined when viewing/editing an event. Setting it here will only affect the admin login only.

Lead Lock:

Lead lock is a way to lock the inability for workers to change leads within a certain period of time, while allowing who is selected to be able to change the event. See more about lead locking here.

Report used to control columns on Leads page:

The Leads page has a list of all of your saved leads with various columns displaying quick information about that lead. You can create a customized Lead Report and save it. Saved Lead reports will show up in this drop down as a way for you to customize the columns you see on the Leads page. 

Default Event Duration (Hours):

We generally recommend not having a Default Event Duration because it ensures that the user who is booking a lead, remembers to gather the correct event start and end times; however, if you prefer to not get this error, the new lead can load with an end time and a particular duration away from the start time. 

Default State:

This is the state that new leads start in. Most of the time, this will be the same as your warehouse location, but some users operate near a state boarder and do more business "out of state" than in state.

Delivery to Other Countries

Most companies do not deliver out of the country, however, some do. For users near a boarder, you can use this setting to make that distinction. 

Allow Delivery Routing to set Windows

The Delivery/Routing system in IO, creates a schedule for your vehicles to deliver equipment. This setting allows that schedule to define the "Delivery Window" and "Return Window" of a lead. 

Default Delivery Window Start/
Default Delivery Window End/
Default Return Window Start/
Default Return Window End:
Delivery/Return windows do not NEED to be set on every lead. If they are not set, the system will assume you will be arriving to deliver the equipment directly before the event start time and tearing down directly after. Some companies prefer the system to enter a default window of delivery sometime in the morning and a default return sometime in the evening. 

Automatically Estimate Travel Time/
Automatically Set Staff to Send/
Automatically Set Volunteers Needed/
Automatically Set Event Setup Time/
Automatically Set Event Teardown Time/
It is recommended that you let IO automatically estimate the travel time from your warehouse location to the event address, as well as the other fields that are based on your inventory's settings (note the "recommended details" for a particular piece of inventory). If you need to edit these on any particular event/lead, you can, but this allows you to have a base to start with. Travel time, setup, and teardown estimates do effect the availability of equipment. If the event has several pieces of inventory on it, these estimates will likely be higher than needed, but, again, just serve as a base and can be adjusted.

Staffing Hour Method:

This setting controls the amount of time to charge for staff when a lead's Delivery Method is set to include a staff fee. This can be set to "Event duration only" or to "Include setup and drive time"

Staffing Hourly Rate:

This is the amount per staff and per hour, that you would charge for, for a fully staffed event. If a rental's setting has a number of staff filled in, but also has "0" in for the number of volunteers, we assume that specific piece of equipment is always operated by your staff and its cost is built into the cost of a rental item; thus we don't charge an extra staff cost for those rentals. 

Email Reply Address:

When you send an email through IO, or if IO sends one of your automatic emails, you can have the reply address be the email address of the logged in user instead of the company email address. This would require the Workers Module, and the worker profile to have the correct email address.

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