Website - Changing Fonts

Changing the fonts on one of our free website templates is a great way to put a personal spin on our ready to go websites

Instead of changing one part at a time, we will be changing what are called "Global Fonts", this way everything stays consistent for design purposes.

Here is how you get to your global font settings or you can follow along with the video at the bottom of the page.

  1. From your the software account, click on "Websites" at the top of any page
  2. Admin Login
  3. On the left hand navigation bar in WordPress: Click "Pages"
  4. Find Home page (or any page), click "Edit with Elementor"
  5. In the very top left of the page, click on the menu button (3 horizontal lines stacked up.)
  6. "Site Settings"
  7. "Global Fonts"
  8. Click on each font and select, then select one you want to set. Changes will be appearing in real time as you select fonts.
  9. Once you are finished you can click the blue "Update" button at the bottom of the navigation bar

If you don't like the changes you have made, you can click the "X" button on the navigation bar to discard your changes.

Here is a video on the process.

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