Emails - Setting Your DKIM Record

Setting Your DKIM Record

DKIM, which stands for DomainKeys Identified Mail, is a security measure used to verify the authenticity of email messages. The DKIM test involves adding a digital signature to the email headers, generated by the sending domain. This signature is then verified by the recipient's mail server, ensuring the email hasn't been tampered with during transit and that it genuinely originates from the claimed domain. It helps combat email spoofing and phishing attacks.

1. Log in to the administrative console for your domain.

2. Locate the page from which you can update the DNS records. You may need to enable advanced settings.

3. Create a CNAME record with this host and value:

  • Host: smtpkey._domainkey
  • Value:

If you would prefer that we make these DKIM changes to your email settings, we can. Contact support for further assistance.

As of November 1, 2022, our rate to fix incorrect DKIM settings is priced at $150. This rate is subject to change.

If you purchased your email from IO, or we host your website, and we have access to our DNS records, we will make these changes for you for free.

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