The CRM on Organizations allows you to see all communication with the organization across all leads you have had.
To the left, we have presets created for you.
To Do - Open entries such as emails, text messages, voicemails, missed calls, journal entries, tasks that are assigned to you or unassigned.
My Stuff - Closed entries such as emails, text messages, voicemails, missed calls, journal entries, tasks that are assigned to you.
My Groups - Entries that are assigned to other workers in your IO Phone group.
Opportunities - Building a custom list (creating a task in Automations. The action item would be "Opportunity" and the task entry can support variables)
In the customers CRM, the numbers next to Contact Full Name, are stacked todo items. That number represents the number of tasks linked specifically to that particular person, group or organization.
Managing customer interactions efficiently is essential in any CRM system. To simplify this process, the CRM provides an action button next to emails, texts, voicemails, journal entries, and tasks. This button offers a direct way to access and manage open entries quickly. This is where you can mark read/unread, closed/unclosed or other status, and assign it to a worker. Closing a task will take it off of your list. There's also the ability to select all and mark as read, mark as unread, assign to someone or change the status (opened, closed, etc). If there is no customer or organization created in your database, we will prompt you to make one, or you can search for an organization and select it to update the customer to be assigned to that specific organization.
If you click on the organization or customer information, it will take you directly to their organization. It automatically takes you to the CRM and the filter applied will take you to the open entries. This filter can be deleted to see all CRM entries.
You will also have options to text, call (if you have IO Phone) or email from the CRM.
Searching for something using the search feature; open entries, task, journal, email (IMAP), email (IO), texts or phone calls, you can search for Any Assignee, For Me or Unassigned and you can even filter by year, too.
In the CRM, you can see emails, text messages, missed calls, journal entries, tasks, emails opened and links clicked. Emails, opened emails and link clicks will not have a status.
If you're using the workers module, you can set colors for certain people/teams in their workers profile. This will visually help teams/individuals to know what they need to work on.
For on screen notifications, navigate to the workers profile, locate the CRM and select which notifications you want on.