Sales CRM - Prospecting for New Leads

The goal of prospecting is to get you more leads and to market to them so they convert into sales. 

Build your Database

Your goal is to get as many potential customers into your database as possible. Ideally, you'll organize them using the customer type so you can specifically market to each one.

You should have multiple ways to capture customer information on your website. The obvious ones are the Quote form and Contact Us forms. You can also create custom forms under Settings -> Page Templates, or use our API.

Other ideas: 
Write some content about how to plan a birthday/graduation/corporate party, or maybe something about the best venues to host a party at in your city. Put this information in a PDF and promise to email it the customer when they fill out this form. Think about who your target customers are and what information they might be looking for. You can promote this stuff on Facebook.

Compile a list of schools or HOA groups that you can add to your database. See for low data entry costs. 

Plan your Marketing

Pick a niche of customers you want to target. Focus on a marketing message or "package" that will appeal to them. Don't just offer a % discount, but instead promote your business in a way that makes you appear unique. 

For example: if you are targeting schools and they are wary of lawsuits, you might say "The only local event company with a $5 million dollar insurance policy designed to protect you." 

Another idea targeting backyard parties: "We offer the biggest selection of CLEAN water rides in the area."

Once you have your target and your message for them, pick the ideal times of  the year to send them a message.

Marketing to your Lists

Go to Customers and filter your list to match your niche target.

Go to Settings -> Email Center. Create a new email and change the category to Newsletter. You'll be able to customize exactly who gets what message and schedule it so they receive it at the ideal time.

See Who is Responding

If a customer fills out a form or replies to an email it's rather obvious to follow-up with them. But for customers who only view emails, click a link, and browse your'll usually never know about them.

1. Track them on your website, add the following to your website footer or wherever your put the analytics script on your site:

<img src="//" style="display:none;" />

2. Go to Customers. Add the following filters by typing in the keyword box:

score: 3 (and select the option score: >3)

leads: 1 (and select the option leads: < 1)

3. Set Last Activity Date to: Last 30 days

4. Set Last Contact Date to: Over 7 days

Save the filter. You now have a list of people for your sales reps to call or email as they are interested, but just haven't filled out a form yet.

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