API - Sending data using Zapier and automations.


Before initiating the setup process, ensure you have generated an API Key for Zapier. This key is essential for Zapier to interact with your IO account securely.

Setting Up the Filter

The foundation of this integration lies in creating a precise filter that dictates what information is sent from IO to Zapier. Here's how to set it up:

  • Create a Filter: Begin by establishing the conditions under which information is triggered and define the data you're working with. This filter acts as a gateway, determining the scope of data transfer.
  • Test the Filter: It's crucial to test the filter to confirm it generates the desired list of information. This step ensures the filter's accuracy before it's put into actual use.

Creating the Report

Once the filter is in place and tested, the next step involves creating a report based on the filtered data points:

  • Generate the Report: Design a report querying data points from the filtered list. This report specifies which pieces of data are to be sent to Zapier.
  • Review the Report: Before proceeding, view the report within the context of the created filter to verify the correct data points are included.

Configuring Zapier Integration

With the filter and report ready, move on to setting up the integration in Zapier:

  • Log In and Create a New Zap: Access your Zapier account and initiate a new Zap creation.
  • Set Up the Trigger: Choose the latest version of the software as the trigger for your Zap. When prompted, input your API Key to link your IO account.
  • Customize the Trigger Details: Assign a descriptive name to the trigger for easy identification. Specify the account type (multi-location or single-location) as applicable.
  • Select Report and Filter: Choose the previously defined report and filter to ensure the correct data points are triggered.
  • Test the Trigger: Perform a test to confirm that Zapier correctly pulls sample data. This step is to validate the setup, understanding that actual data transfer will align with the defined filter once active.

Finalizing the Integration

After successfully testing the trigger:

  • Link Actions in Zapier: Connect the trigger to desired actions within Zapier, automating tasks based on the incoming data from IO.
  • Activate the Zap: With everything set up and tested, activate your Zap to start automating workflows between IO and Zapier.
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