To create a task, see example below.
All the below parameters are optional unless in bold. This is not a complete list.
POST /api6/tasks/?apiKey=XXXXXX
- task_status <-- Status
- Options: Completed, New, In Progress, Rejected, Reschedule
- task_desc <-- Task description
- task_linkto <-- Name of customer, lead, or organization
- task_linkid <-- Contact ID, or lead ID, or organization ID
- task_linktype <-- What type of link id
- Options: Cust, Lead, Org
- task_assignedto <-- Worker name or email
- task_assignedid <-- Worker ID
- task_read <-- Mark task as read
- Options: 0, 1
- task_reminddate <-- Reminder date
- Options: Unix time stamp
- task_recurring <-- Task recurring option
- Options: Never, Yearly, Weekly, Monthly
- task_badge <-- Show Badge
- Options: Completed, New, In Progress, Rejected, Reschedule
- task_email <-- Send Email
- Options: 0, 1
- task_flag <-- Show Flag
- Options: 0, 1
- task_calendar <-- Show on Calendar
- Options: 0, 1
201 (Created), recordid containing new ID.