GET /api6/leads/?apiKey=XXXXXX {
filter: ABC <--- name of a custom lead filter
_body: true/false <--- if true, returns more details
offset: 3 <--- start at record #
limit: 1 <--- count of records to return
"offset": "3",
"limit": "1",
"first": "",
"next": "",
"previous": "",
"items": [
"id": "520247",
"createtime": "2015-05-28T11:33:30-04:00",
"modifiedtime": "2015-10-27T15:45:16-04:00",
"holdtime": "",
"eventname": "Test Event 2",
"eventorganization": "Joel Aemmer",
"eventstreet": "1876 12th St SW",
"eventcity": "Akron",
"eventstate": "OH",
"eventzip": "44314",
"eventcountry": "",
"eventstarttime": "2017-07-15T16:00:00-04:00",
"eventduration": "2.00",
"deliverytype": "Fully Staffed",
"surface": "Grass1",
"eventcounty": "Summit",
"taxexempt": "No",
"selectedrides": "",
"rentalqty": "",
"rentalholdtime": "",
"contactid": "533268",
"ridequotes": "",
"cpdiscount": "0.00",
"taxrate": "7.000",
"staffcost": "40.00",
"distcharge": "7.83",
"salestax": "27.30",
"total": "425.13",
"taxcertid": "",
"coupon": "0",
"special": "",
"spamount": "",
"feeid": "",
"fee": "0.00",
"errors": "",
"notes": "",
"statusid": "2349",
"viewed": "Yes",
"followup": "0",
"conflag": "0",
"fullstart": "2017-07-15T16:00:00-04:00",
"fullend": "2017-07-15T18:00:00-04:00",
"cushstart": "2017-07-15T08:00:00-04:00",
"cushend": "2017-07-16T02:00:00-04:00",
"adjust": "0.00",
"custrequest": "",
"custreqtime": "",
"stafftosend": "",
"volsreqd": "",
"setupduration": "",
"setupwindowstart": "",
"setupwindowend": "",
"tdownduration": "",
"tdownwindowstart": "",
"tdownwindowend": "",
"contractsent": "",
"directionsfrom": "",
"ttimefrom": "",
"contractrecd": "",
"depositamount": "",
"amountpaid": "",
"balancerecd": "",
"text": "",
"contracttemp": "",
"ipaddress": "",
"numguests": "",
"reqdepamt": "",
"reqdeptype": "",
"gcalurl": "",
"referral": "Bing",
"locationid": "0",
"salesrep": "0",
"agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.71 Safari/537.36",
"os": "Linux",
"browser": "Google Chrome",
"gadomainhash": "",
"gatimestamp": "",
"gasessionnumber": "",
"gacampaignnumber": "",
"gasource": "",
"gamedium": "",
"gacampaignname": "",
"gacampaignkeyword": "",
"gacampaigncontent": "",
"gaclickid": "",
"warning": "\nError in tax rate lookup: Used default tax rate",
"venueid": "16839",
"venuecontact": "",
"additionalnotes1": "",
"additionalnotes2": "",
"vendor": "38",
"lattitude": "41.052519",
"longitude": "-81.556388",
"salesreppaidtime": "",
"href": "",
"createtime_ts": "1432827210",
"createtime_utc": "2015-05-28T15:33:30Z",
"modifiedtime_ts": "1445975116",
"modifiedtime_utc": "2015-10-27T19:45:16Z",
"holdtime_ts": "",
"holdtime_utc": "",
"eventstarttime_ts": "1500148800",
"eventstarttime_utc": "2017-07-15T20:00:00Z",
"fullstart_ts": "1500148800",
"fullstart_utc": "2017-07-15T20:00:00Z",
"fullend_ts": "1500156000",
"fullend_utc": "2017-07-15T22:00:00Z",
"cushstart_ts": "1500120000",
"cushstart_utc": "2017-07-15T12:00:00Z",
"cushend_ts": "1500184800",
"cushend_utc": "2017-07-16T06:00:00Z",
"setupwindowstart_ts": "",
"setupwindowstart_utc": "",
"setupwindowend_ts": "",
"setupwindowend_utc": "",
"contractsent_ts": "",
"contractsent_utc": "",
"contractrecd_ts": "",
"contractrecd_utc": "",
"salesreppaidtime_ts": "",
"salesreppaidtime_utc": ""