API - Customers - Create or Update

To create a customer, see below. To update an existing customer, put the Customer ID in the URL: /api6/customers/234567/?apiKey=XXXXXX and use the below example. Any fields not sent will remain the same.


All the below are parameters are optional. The customer will be created under the locationid of the worker account's API Key. 

POST /api6/customers/?apiKey=XXXXXX {
 firstname: Joel
 lastname: Aem  
 name: Joel Aem  
 organization: Big Company
 cellphone: 123-456-7890
 homephone: 333-333-3232
 officephone: 444-232-2323
 fax: 234-234-2342
 street: 123 Happy St.
 city: Harperville
 state: OH
 zip: 44444
 country: United States
 custtags: Individual,Birthday,Funny
 cleartags: 1 or 0     <--- if you want the custtags to replace what's already saved, set to 1
 email: info@inflatableoffice.com

 customertype: Residential
 notes: Has a rabid cat.

 customfields_ids: {"custom field id": "custom field response"}



201 (Created), recordid containing new ID.

409 (Conflict) if resource already exists, recordid containing duplicate ID.

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