API - Create/Update lead with Zapier

  1.  Create API Key
  2. Copy Key
  3. Add new Zap in Zapier
  4. Setup trigger
  5. Setup action with "the software", select the latest version
  6. Choose event
    A. Create Simple Lead
    B. Create Update Lead
  7. Link up IO account using API key created in step #1
  8. 8. Fill out at least the required fields marked by an asterisk
  9. 9. Test Action
  10. 10. Publish Zap

Below is a video walkthrough of this process.

Create Simple Lead in the Software (1.2.6)

Below is a list of all possible fields when creating a simple lead through a Zapier action. Required fields are described as such in the non-bold text beneath the field name. This Zapier action is not capable of updating a lead, only creating one.


Name of the customer

Mobile Phone

Customer phone number, saved in cell phone field. We will format this if we can. You can send numbers only.


Customer email address


The message or question from the customer, saved to notes on the lead.


Lead Date/Time (required)

This is the date and time of the lead. We require a unix time stamp for it. The following will put in timestamps when the zap occurs:{{zap_meta_timestamp}}, {{zap_meta_est_iso}} is in ISO-8601 format for Eastern Standard Time (EST), {{zap_meta_edt_iso}} is for Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), {{zap_meta_cst_iso}} is CST, {{zap_meta_cdt_iso}} is CDT, {{zap_meta_mst_iso}} is MST, {{zap_meta_mdt_iso}} is MDT, {{zap_meta_pst_iso}} is PST, {{zap_meta_pdt_iso}} is PDT.

Event Duration (required)


The customer event duration in hours. If a simple lead form, you can put any float value here or take the default of 1.

Postal Code (required)

The customer postal or zip code for the lead. You can use your company's postal code if you aren't gathering from your customer.

Item Names (required)

Default: Contact Form-1-0

We require an item that the customer is interested in. In the case of a simple lead, use any text, and we will create that item if it doesn't exist. Use the format "Item Name-Quantity-Price".

Tax Exempt (required)

Default: No

Whether the customer is tax exempt or not. Not relevant for simple lead entry.



If you are using a multi-location account, use this ID to make sure the lead is created in the appropriate location. A zero can be used if you are not using a multi-location account.


Refresh fields

Create/Update Lead in the Software (1.2.6)

Below is a list of all possible fields when creating/updating a lead through a Zapier action. Required fields are described as such in the non-bold text beneath the field name.


Name of the customer

Mobile Phone

Customer phone number, saved in cell phone field. We will format this if we can. You can send numbers only.


Customer email address


The message or question from the customer, saved to notes on the lead.



The date the lead came in. Format must match your account date format setting on https://rental.software/account/#/settings/prefere...



Default: 12:00pm

Time the lead came in.

Start Time Stamp

This is a unix timestamp that when set will override the Date and Time fields if used. Because Zapier doesn't allow me to require either Date/Time or Start Time Stamp, you will have to enter date and time values as well as this value if you are using it.

Postal Code


The customer postal or zip code for the lead. You can use your company's postal code if you aren't gathering from your customer.

Item Names


Default : Contact Form-1-0

We require an item that the customer is interested in. In the case of a simple lead, use any text, and we will create that item if it doesn't exist. Use the format "Item Name-Qty-Price:Option Name-Qty-Price|Next Item-Qty-Price".

Tax Exempt


Whether the customer is tax exempt or not. Not relevant for simple lead entry.

Event Duration1.0


Default: 1

The customer event duration in hours. If a simple lead form, you can put any float value here or take the default of 1.

Location ID


Default: 0

If you are using a multi-location account, use this ID to make sure the lead is created in the appropriate location. A zero can be used if you are not using a multi-location account.

Event Name

Venue Name

Event Street

Event City

Event State

We require 2 letter abbreviations for US accounts. For international accounts, abbreviations are encouraged but not required.

Event County

Event Country

We generally use 2 letter abbreviations for this field.

Venue Contact

Most will use this for a phone number, but it can contain other text.


It is best to match one of the surfaces you have set in your account.

Delivery Type

It is best to match one of the delivery types you have set in your account.

Number of Guests

This field can be used for other data.

Sales Rep ID

If you want to assign a sales rep, you can put their ID in this field.


It is best to match one of the referrals you have set in your account.

Customer ID

If you want to link this lead to a specific customer and update their information, you can do that by supplying the customer ID. Otherwise, we will attempt to match or create a new customer record.


Customer Street

Customer City

Customer State

We require 2 letter abbreviations for US accounts. For international accounts, abbreviations are encouraged but not required.

Customer Zip

Customer Country

We generally use 2 letter country abbreviations.

Customer Home Phone

Customer phone number, saved in home phone field. We will format this if we can. You can send numbers only.

Customer Work Phone

Customer phone number, saved in office phone field. We will format this if we can. You can send numbers only.

Clear Customer Tags

Choose value…

We can clear tags on a customer when saving if you would like.

Customer Tags

Comma delimited tags that you would like attached to a customer.

Customer Fax

Customer fax number, used in fax field. We will format this number. So you can send numbers only.

Customer Type

This should match one of the customer types you've defined in your account.

Customer Notes

These notes travel with the customer, not the lead and are generally private.

Additional Notes 1

These notes are saved with the lead.

Additional Notes 2

These notes are saved with the lead.

Venue Notes

These notes are saved with the venue.

Lead Status

You can set a lead status. It should match the statuses available in your account. If you do not, we use your account settings to determine a status.

Calculate Prices

Choose value…

If you do not want us to use your settings to calculate prices, set to 0 or false. If you do, we save only what you send. You must pass prices in if you choose this.

Calculate Line Items

If you do not want us to use your settings to calculate line items other than rentals, set to 0 or false. If you do, we save only what you send. You must pass prices in if you choose this.

Staff Cost

Used to set prices for common fees.

Distance Charge

Used to set prices for common fees.

Surface Fee

Used to set prices for common fees.

Delivery Method Fee

Used to set prices for common fees.

Coupon Code

Fee ID

Use this to add a fee by ID.

Fee Amount

Use with feeid to set an amount for the selected fee.

Admin Adjustment

Use this to adjust the total of the lead via the admin discount value.

Tax Rate

We will apply the appropriate tax rate when we have address information. You can override by sending the rate.

Sales Tax

Mostly used when updating or sending a lead that you have calculated all values for.

Coupon Amount

If not requesting us to calculate prices, you can send a coupon amount to use when sending a Coupon Code.

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