Workers - Setup

Adding Workers

You can easily add your workers through your Settings -> Workers. Here, just click on "Add Worker". Fill out all the information for the worker, including their personal information.

Be sure that if you have multiple locations, you pick the appropriate location(s) for the worker.

In order for any worker to have access to the system they must be marked as "approved" here. 

Having Workers add Themselves

If you would like to have your workers create their own logins, you can send them the link to your specific Worker Site. All you have to do is copy your Workers Site URL and send it to your worker.

Contractor Shifts

1. Go to Settings -> Positions and activate Contractor for the position (and make sure the worker is assigned that position).

2. Go to each Rental Item in Settings and put in the Contractor Pay (in Advanced settings).

3. On the Leads, use "Shifts" to setup the worker who will be working the shift (or if you don't assign a person you can allow them to sign-up via the Workers Site).

4. When running Payroll (Logistics -> Payroll), it will calculate the amount owed based on the units rented for the events they managed as well as it calculates a mileage they had to drive for that event.

5. Set the Contractor Mileage Rate in the Settings -> Workers, select the worker, navigate to Preferences -> set mileage rate.

Hourly Shifts

1. Set the Hourly rates on the Position and/or the Worker (see below).

2. On the Leads, use "Shifts" to setup the worker who will be working the shift (or if you don't assign a person you can allow them to sign-up via the Workers Site).

3. When running Payroll (Logistics -> Payroll), it will calculate the amount owed based on the units rented for the events they managed as well as it calculates a mileage they had to drive for that event. Hourly rates: can be set per worker, per position, or per position per worker. The order in which they are applied is as follows. The software will first use the per position per worker rate (this is found when assigning a position to a worker). If it is zero or empty, it will then use the position rate, and finally the worker rate.

Sales Reps

1. Go to Settings -> Workers -> Positions and activate Sales Rep for the position (and make sure the worker is assigned that position).

2. On the Leads, set the sales rep on the event tab to the worker who earned the sale.

3. Configure the Commission tab on the Worker.

4. When running Payroll (Logistics -> Payroll), it will calculate the amount owed based on the units rented for the events they managed as well as it calculates a mileage they had to drive for that event.


Setting a position as a Reporter, this gives this position the ability to fill out the Manager Report after an event. This is useful for positions like Shift Lead.

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