Workers - Positions


All workers must have at least one position assigned to them to be able to sign up for shifts on the workers site. To create a position, follow these steps:

  1. Settings -> Positions
  2. Add Position
  3. Name - This will be the name of the position defined by your company. For example, sales rep, driver, laborer, manager/event manager, vehicle, etc.
  4. Description - This may include the job description and the specific duties required for the position.
  5. Pay Rate - This is the standard pay rate for the position. The pay rate can be adjusted for individual workers within their worker profile.

The list of questions we ask are:

  • Is this position a sales representative? Sales rep positions are intended for workers that will be building and interacting with quotes. It enables you to track their progress and direct appropriate leads to them, as well as other conveniences.
  • Is this position a vehicle? Vehicle positions are used to define vehicles for routing purposes.
  • Will workers in this position be driving a vehicle? This would be a driver position.
  • Will a worker in this position be the one who filled out a report after the event is over? This is typically the manager who will receive the manager survey (if active in your Email Center under "Worker - Manager Report") upon completion of the event. This survey is most often used when the manager reports on the event; such as, what items need repaired/cleaned, report on any injuries sustained, if shift times need adjusted, performance ranking for the workers, and any additional comments. This survey can be modified at any time.
  • Is the worker a Contractor? This is so the software knows if the worker in this position is getting paid as a contractor instead of hourly.

All workers must have at least one position assigned to them to be able to sign up for shifts on the workers site.

Availability for workers can now be adjusted to include the travel time and a 15 minute buffer on either side of the shift for a more accurate availability display for future shifts, a link to leads and added invitation status when viewing the shifts page in the leads shift section.

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