Workers - Scheduling

Scheduling - Overview

You can create shifts for workers and manually assign who will work the shift, or you can just assign the position and allow workers to sign-up for the shift via a separate Worker's Site. The shift can be created either from the Shifts tab of an Event or from the delivery tool. Typically you will create event staffing shifts when working on the Events page and you will assign your delivery crew per vehicle from the Delivery tool. The delivery tool allows you to assign all the events that a truck, then set the delivery crew for that truck.

Scheduling shifts from the Delivery Tool that can span multiple events.

Scheduling - Manual

You can assign shifts manually from the shift tab on any lead. You will notice when you choose the employee drop down that all approved workers that qualify for that shift position will show. Workers will show in green if they are available and red if they are unavailable to work. If you are changing the shift times, click on the Date/Time to change and make sure you use the apply button at the bottom of the calendar to save the information. When you are finished scheduling your workers, make sure you save at the bottom.

Now, if you would like to email your workers with their new shift information, simply click the email button while still on the schedule tab. This will open an email window that lists all the worker emails for those workers scheduled. It will also load the template that you've saved in Settings -> Email Center for the worker email. You may modify the template and adjust email addresses as necessary before sending. If you remove or change an email address for a scheduled worker, they will not receive details about their shift because we use their email address to determine which shift details to send.

There is also an email type called Worker - Shift Changes that will automatically notify workers a summary of shift changes. Shifts needing to be scheduled will show leads if you have less shifts scheduled than staff you plan to use for the event. You can now show worker responses to invitations when viewing it on the calendar.

Scheduling Multiple Shifts

When adding new shifts to a lead, the default dates/times are based upon the full start and end times on the lead. The can include Setup, Tear Down and Travel times if they exist on the lead:

The shift times can be changed, per shift, by clicking on it and selecting a different date & time range. But every new shift’s dates/times created from the Leads page, will start off like this:

If you're creating multiple shifts that all have the same times as the event time, it would work the same as it did. If you want them to all be the same time, but different than the event times, you would only need to set those custom times once. If you want the times to all be different, there would be no difference, as you’d still need to manually change each one individually.

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