Workers - Training Programs

Building a Training Program for your Workers

the software allows you to build your own customized training program and serve it to your workers. Once they complete the training and get 100% of the answers correct, the date of completion will be saved to their profile. Any training assigned to the worker will show on the Account -> Training page when they login to the workers site. Any incomplete training is accessible to complete on that page. If they have not completed an assigned training program, you can turn on the Worker - Training automatic email to have an email reminder sent to them periodically.

Creating a New Training Program

  1. Go to Settings -> Surveys & Training.
  2. Click ‘Add Survey’ or use the drop down to create a training and/or quiz.
  3. Enter a name and click Ok.
  4. Click ‘new question’ to add a page to the quiz. 
  5. The questions (type) can be Short Answer, Long Answer, Display Content, Single Choice, Multiple Choice and Choice Matrix
  6. Save the order once you are finished.

Locating Surveys

  1. You cannot open the surveys from the Surveys and Trainings page. You must use the drop down option in order to locate the survey/training. See highlighted:
    You may also use the Search tool to locate these surveys/trainings

Announcing Your Training Program to Workers

You have many methods to get your training program to your workers.

  • Have your workers look at the Account->Training page when they login to the workers site.
  • Setup the Workers - Training automatic email in Settings -> Email Center which will periodically email every worker the training programs that you require them to pass.
  • Make a manual email in IO using a variable to have IO put the link in. Variables are built based on how you named the training program. For example, My First Training Program would have 2 available variables: *My_First_Training_Program_link* (which shows a hyperlink) and *My_First_Training_Program_url* (which shows the url text).

Requiring Workers to Take Training Programs

To require a worker to take a training program, edit the details tab of their worker profile on the Workers page and scroll to the training section. All of your training programs will show there. Check the required box for every training program you want your worker to complete. The date field on the right will be filled in on the date that they worker completes the training. If you want them to retake the training at a later date, simply clear the date.

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