Payments - Square Payments Integration

If you don't have a Square account, you can take advantage of our current promotion with Square.  At the time of posting this, it was $2,000 of free processing.

Setting up your integration with Square is simple. Click the Square option in Settings -> Merchant Services, select Square, and then choose the Sign into Square button.

Once you complete that login, you will see an option to choose a business location if you have more than one with Square. Remember, if you have a multi-location account with us, set the correct location and repeat this process for other locations.

Recharging Cards

If you've taken payment through Square via our software, you will be able to charge those same cards again successfully as long as those cards are still valid and as long as they were not Apple Pay, Google Pay, AfterPay, or re-loadable and one-time use cards. At this time, Square doesn't support recharging those methods.  You will do this from the lead you are working with in the payments section. Choose the Charge Existing Card option to do so. You cannot refund. Charges must be positive amounts.

Google Pay, Apple Pay, and AfterPay

We now support Google Pay, Apple Pay, and AfterPay. The customer must be using a device and browser that supports these for them to show. Additional considerations for each service as well as a screen shot is listed below.

  • Apple Pay: To use this, you must have a verification file on your domain. If you are using us for your hosting and website, we will complete this task for you. Otherwise, the button will not show.
  • AfterPay: To use this, you must have it enabled in your Square account. Square will give you a minimum and maximum dollar amount that your customers can use this for. If the amount they are trying to pay is not within those values, the button will not show. 

Example of Checkout Page

Please note: If a customer uses Apple Pay, Google Pay or After Pay, you cannot recharge their saved card. This also applies to re-loadable gift cards.

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