Quote Pages - Upselling

Upselling Items on Quotes

The software will upsell items when a customer gets a quote. We use a variety of methods to determine what items to display. However, you do have some control over what shows.

The first part in the process of how we decide what to display is to determine all items that are available to display. Items have to meet the following conditions:

  • Must be active in your rental inventory
  • Cannot be an accessory unless they are an accessory to something that is rented
  • Cannot be a vendor item
  • Must be set to show on the quote request page that the customer is using
  • If using a multi location site, the item must be in the location being quoted for

We use the following techniques in order to prioritize what items to display:

  • Popularity of Items
  • Exclude Cousin Items (Items with the same name as something rented but technically a different unit)
  • Satisfaction Rating of Customers (This is taken from survey results)
  • Availability (Items must not be booked for other customers)

Displaying Upsell Items

Once we have sorted the items by priority, we then have to choose the highest priority items to display. Items with a zero priority will never be displayed. Items get a zero priority if they are not available or if they are not one of your chosen upsell items for one of the selected rental units on the quote.

In addition to turning upsell items off completely, there are 2 methods you can choose for displaying upsell items. You’ll find these settings by going to Settings -> Online Quoting.

Normal - this will choose the top 3 items (or less if you don’t have 3 items with a greater than zero priority).

Price Levels - this method will divide your prioritized items into 3 different price levels (high, medium, and low) so that your customer’s options are not all priced the same. They may be interested in adding to their quote, but due to their budget they may only be able to add something that doesn’t cost much. Using the Price Levels option will ensure that they see some variable prices so they can find one that fits their budget.

Selected Only - this will display the chosen upsell items to display. You can choose these in the Upsell area of the rental. These override all other priorities

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