Quote Pages - Event Planning Form

It's a best-practice to have the initial quote form a customer fills out be as short as possible, then to follow-up later to gather all the necessary details for an event.


  1. Settings
  2. Pages/Templates
  3. Add Page Template
  4. Set the Page Type to 'Quote Update' and hit 'load in default template'.
  5. Set the group name (something like 'ABC Bouncer Update Form1')
  6. Click Save.
  7. (optional) Add custom fieldsSee here for more details.
  8. Add a link to an email (under email center), Copy the below and replace the bold part properly.
    https://rental.software/quotes/quoteme.ph...GROUP NAME FROM STEP 2

Customizing the form

Customizing the form may require HTML knowledge. A template creation fee may apply if you hire us to do so. 

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