Help & Support, Promotions/Fees, Tags, and more

Tim B. shared this announcement 22 months ago

New Features:

  • Help & Support: We’ve made several improvements to our help and support.
    • Added new support profile page.
    • Added Ask the Community button for fast user led support.
    • Earn points and rewards for helping the community.
    • Added leader board for community support involvement.
    • Added Chat option to our methods of support, which you can find by first searching the knowledge base.
    • We are now tracking your help searches better so we can improve the content you are served.
  • Promotions/Fees: Default way to add promotions allows you to use filters to define what should qualify. This requires auto-save for leads to be turned on. You can still choose to use legacy promotions via the drop down button.
  • Shifts: Added link to leads and added invitation status when viewing the shifts page. Also added invitation status on the leads shift section.
  • Attachments: Venue attachments will now show in the venue section of the lead when a venue is chosen that has attachments.
  • Tags: When typing in a tag, we give you a drop down of existing tags to choose from.
  • Automations: There is now a send data option to be used with web hooks or any service you would like data sent to. You enter the url that we should send to and choose a report so we know what data to send. We will hit that url for each row of the report. Each send will count against the API count for your account.
  • Mobile: Lead messages now easier to read.
  • Variables: Venue ID added as a new variable: *venueid*.
  • Templates: Printing of links now looks better in templates.
  • Shifts: Availability for workers adjusted to include travel time and a 15 minute buffer on either side of the shift for a more accurate availability display.
  • Dashboard: Shifts Needed chart on the dashboard now will show the number of shifts scheduled.
  • Delivery Type: Changing the delivery type names will prompt you to decide how we should handle updating leads using that delivery type.
  • Tags: You can now import tags when importing customers.
  • Tips: There is now a simple way to customize the text that you display in the tipping area during checkout by entering that text in the Payment Preferences page.
  • Organizations: Amount due and total columns show on organizations list page for all in process higher status leads.
  • Email Center: Added Used by Active Automations, Used by Inactive Automations, and Used by Any Automations as preset filters and added additional automation details visible for an email you are viewing.
  • WordPress: You can now require certain address data before displaying prices on your site.
  • WordPress: Ability to activate Weekday/Weekend pricing display on item pages. You’ll need to use conditional pricing for this to work right
  • WordPress: Delivery method can be activated for cart, allowing for item pricing to be affected
  • WordPress: Better support for Elementor forms, as you can add custom fields which will go into event notes, and also you can control which Elementor forms shouldn’t create leads in IO (such as an employment form)
  • WordPress: Better support for time based and time slot items.
  • WordPress: Support for consumable items added

Bugs fixed:

  • Customers: New profile checkbox is now checking the organization field.
  • WordPress: Fixed display order for multi-location accounts
  • WordPress: Fixes to availability checking for certain edge cases for item packages
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