Pricing - Conditional Promotions and Fees

We have made conditional promotions our default promotion type because it is so powerful. This article will not cover promotion types as we have documented that elsewhere. This will specifically cover how to use the new conditional promotion method.

If you have used conditional pricing for your inventory, some of this should be familiar. Similarly to conditional pricing, you must have autosave for leads turned on.

Our promotions and fees area has always been based on the following concept: meet certain requirements, get a certain reward (or in the case of fees, incur a certain fee). Conditional promotions work the same.


In the case of conditional promotions the requirements that must be fulfilled are defined by the leads filter that you use. The filter is used to match against incoming or existing customer leads to see if they qualify for the promotion or fee. We have largely simplified the way you set up your requirements by simply having you choose a filter. By using a filter you can have almost unlimited ways to set requirements.

Rewards or Fees

If your filter matches, you can then choose a reward/fee that will apply to the lead. You can choose between the following:

  • % Off Rental Total: without the rental filter being used, it will take it a percent off the total of the rental items. With the rental filter it will only take the percentage off the rentals that match the rental filter.
  • % Off Delivery: this will take a percentage off the delivery fees.
  • $ Off: without the rental filter being used, it will take it a dollar amount off the total of the rental items. With the rental filter it will only take the dollar amount off the rentals that match the rental filter.
  • % Fee on Select Rentals: you must define a Lead type filter that only uses "Rentals" prefix columns to exclude/include certain items.  


Here are some clever examples of how to use this.

  1. Match on customer email and give a percentage off for a customer you may have a wholesale deal with.
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