Workers - Availability

Allowing employees to choose their own availability can offer several benefits:

  1. Flexibility: Employees have the flexibility to align their work schedules with their personal commitments, such as classes, family responsibilities, or other obligations. This flexibility can lead to greater work-life balance and overall job satisfaction.
  2. Improved Morale: When employees have control over their schedules, they may feel more valued and empowered in their roles. This can boost morale and contribute to a positive work environment.
  3. Reduced Stress: Being able to choose their availability reduces stress for employees, as they can better manage their time and commitments. This can lead to decreased absenteeism and turnover rates.
  4. Increased Productivity: Employees who have input into their schedules are more likely to be satisfied with their work arrangements. As a result, they may be more motivated and productive during their scheduled shifts.
  5. Enhanced Retention: Offering flexible scheduling options can improve employee retention rates. Employees are more likely to stay with a company that respects their personal needs and provides flexibility in their work schedules.
  6. Better Customer Service: When employees are able to work during times that align with their peak productivity and availability, they are better equipped to provide quality customer service. This can lead to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  7. Adaptability: Allowing employees to select their availability enables businesses to adapt to fluctuating demand and changing staffing needs more effectively. Employees who are available during peak times can help ensure adequate coverage and smooth operations.
  8. Customized Work Experience: Every employee has unique preferences and constraints regarding their availability. Allowing employees to choose their availability enables them to customize their work experience to best fit their individual needs.

Overall, providing employees with the opportunity to choose their own availability can lead to happier, more engaged, and more productive workforce, benefiting both employees and employers alike.

To have your workers enter in their availability within the Workers App, they will need to log in using their username and password. Within the app, they will then go to the hamburger menu, click on "Availability," and choose "Availability". From there, they can select the days and times they are available.

Below is a detailed guide outlining the process for workers availability.

Step 1:

Step 2: 

Step 3: 

Step 4: 

Step 5: 

After inputting these days and times, workers must save their selections.

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