Adjust Google Ad Location Settings to Reduce Invalid "Out of Geo" Clicks

Maximizing return on investment (ROI) requires more than just creating compelling ads. It requires diligent monitoring of budgets and ensuring that your ads are reaching the right audience. This becomes particularly crucial when dealing with "out of geo" invalid click traffic, especially in sanctioned countries like Iraq and Sudan. Such traffic not only wastes budget but also undermines the effectiveness of your campaigns. 

Here is an example of excessive "out of geo" click fraud on active Google Ads. The location settings were changed in Google Ads on March 8th. After the change, there is a significant decrease in the invalid clicks (blocked IP's marked by the orange bar) because the ads were no longer focused on exclusion locations, they instead focused on the targeted locations for the ad campaigns.

Steps for Changing Location Settings on Google Ads:

Step 1: Access Campaign Settings

  • Log in to your Google Ads account.
  • Navigate to the campaign you want to adjust.

Step 2: Adjust Location Options

  • Click on "Settings" in the left-hand menu.
  • Select "Locations."
  • Under "Location options," choose "Presence: People in or regularly in your targeted locations."

Step 3: Save Changes

  • Once you've selected the desired location option, click "Save" to apply the changes.

By choosing the "Presence: People in or regularly in your targeted locations" option, you ensure that your ads are only shown to users within your specified geographical area. This helps to minimize the risk of "out of geo" invalid click traffic, especially in sanctioned countries where excluding them is not an option due to OFAC restrictions.

Utilizing Click Fraud Protection: In addition to using advanced location options, implementing click fraud protection can further safeguard your ad budget and improve campaign performance. Click fraud protection services utilize advanced algorithms to detect and prevent fraudulent clicks by blocking IP's, ensuring that your ad spend is directed towards genuine user engagement.

Click fraud protection not only helps to diagnose and correct wasted dollars on PPC ads but also provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns. By identifying and eliminating invalid clicks, you can optimize your ad spend, improve ROI, and achieve better results across platforms like Google Ads, Meta (formerly Facebook Ads), and Bing Ads.

With the right strategies in place, you can be sure that your ads reach the right audience and deliver tangible results. If you are interested in assistance with your ad settings or click fraud protection, email or contact your sales rep to discuss further.

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