Payments - Refunds

Global Payments is the only Merchant we work with where you can apply a refund in IO and have it automatically get refunded back to the customer through the Merchant. With the other Merchants we partner with, you must record a negative payment in IO, but you'll need to manually process the refund through that companies software. For example, if you are using Square, you must manually refund the customer from Square. Once you have refunded the customer from Square's software, you must go into IO and manually record the refund.

Many of our Merchants offer the feature of recharging cards. However, recharging and refunding are two different features.

Recharging - Recharging saved credit cards that have been previously stored on file for the customer (returning customer, paying the balance, scheduled payments, etc)

Refunding - Refunding the customer the amount agreed upon (full balance, deposit, etc)

This is how to process a refund through IO for Global Payments: 

Make sure you are under the "Charge Existing Card" section on payments. Next you will enter the negative dollar amount that you are refunding back to the customer in the amounts box, then click "Charge Card".

You can find a list of all the services we support with each processor here:

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