Payments - Accepting Credit Cards Online

The software is not owned by a processor company, nor does it have an exclusive partnership with just one payment company. This leaves you to find the best fit and have the free to use any company you decide to accept card payments using these main options:

    Global Payments  Square
    CardConnect (Clover Connect) PayPal Pay Junction
    Major cards accepted
    PCI compliant

    No gateway fee
    Recharge cards
    Online bank drafts
    Automatically schedule future payments
    Refunds direct through IO
    Decline Minimizer
    Discounted processing rates for customers with certain PO/Tax info
    Automatically recharge cards
    Fee Type Flat Rate/ Interchange Plus Flat Rate Flat Rate/Interchange Plus Dependent on processor connected to the gateway Flat Rate Flat Rate/Interchange Plus

Global Payments

1. Apply here for a price quote
2. After approval, we will setup the online payments for you.
3. For mobile payments, we will email you the keys and instructions you'll need.


  1. Sign up for a PayPal account.
  2. Once your PayPal account is set up, return to the software and go to the settings page.
  3. Select Merchant Services.
  4. Select on PayPal, and enter in the email address or PayPal ID you used to set up your PayPal Account, mark active, and then click save and close.


  1. Signup for Square
    US Companies
    Canadian Companies
  2. Go to Settings and select Merchant Services
  3. Select Square.
  4. Select "Sign Into Square" and this will take you to the Square sign-in page.
  5. Sign-in and you will activate Square Payments.

CardConnect (Clover Connect)

  1. Apply here for a price quote
  2. If you want to accept ACH payments (uncommon), you must connect with your CardConnect rep and request to have ACH via ProfitStars for it to work in our software.  
  3. After approval and working with their team we will finish the integration into your account is a payment gateway that partners with thousands of different merchant service companies. By utilizing as a middleman, you incur an additional monthly fee, but you can work with the card processor of your choice. By asking them first, you must verify that your bank or merchant service works with

    Payment Gateway Pricing
  1. Here are the instructions has for obtaining a Login and Transaction Key from them.
  2. Once you have those credentials, you just need to plug them in by going to Settings -> Merchant Services, and then make this option active.
  3. You will also be given the options there for "ACH" (eChecks) and "CIM" (The ability to re-charge a saved card).  Note that these settings need set in your account as well.  

Supported Merchant Accounts

We support:

  • Global Payments
  • CardConnect (Clover Connect)
  • Square
  • Pay Junction
  • Moneris
  • PayPal
  • Bambora

Unsupported Merchant Accounts

Call your merchant account provider and tell them: "I want to take payments through my website using my own e-commerce software and shopping cart. My software can integrate with the gateway or an emulator. Do you work with and if so how can I get setup?" Then contact along with their help you can setup to work with our software under the section of this article ""

There may be an additional fee from your bank to do this, but it is usually possible to complete the integration.

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