Calendar - Google Calendar

The software allows you to push your leads and shifts to Google calendar, which makes it easy to view event and shift details from smartphones and desktop calendars

Entering Google Credentials

You must enter your Google login information for the software to manage your calendar. We must also know what calendar to publish to. We highly recommend that you create a new calendar specifically for linking with the software. It is not necessary to create an additional Google account. Simply create a new calendar from within your account. Doing this will allow you to do a couple things:

  1. Delete the calendar in Google and start over if you make a mistake with the sync.
  2. You should be sharing the calendar via Google's sharing tools instead of giving people the Google login as it's far more secure. Should someone be removed from your organization, you don't have to change the login. You just remove the share from them.  

After the calendar is created in Google, here in the settings you'll click to Add Sync. Then click Grant Permission to grant the software the ability to create/edit events in your Google.

Linking Events

the software will push additions, updates, and deletions to Google every 15 minutes. If you decide you want to discontinue using this feature, click the remove events button, but do not delete your Google credentials until you verify all leads have been removed.

Linking Shifts

All workers are able to setup a link to push their shifts to their own Google calendar. This is done in the account details section of the workers account within the workers site. In every way, this link behaves the same as linking events described above. The difference is that instead of posting information about a lead, it posts the workers shift information.

A workers Account Details page allows them to link their Google Calendar.

Task Reminders (Requires the CRM)

Tasks can be automatically added to your Google calendar.

Simply set the Entry Start/End Time to Task Start and Task End. If the calendar option is disabled for you, this is not fully set up yet in your account correctly.

Then, when creating tasks, it must have a Remind At date and time, it must be associated with a Lead, and you have to check the Calendar box.

Suggested Google calendar template:
title: (%todo_assignedto%) %todo_task% w/%organization_force%




%eventstreet% %eventcity%, %eventstate% %eventzip%


You can restrict what is sent to your Google Calendar by using filters. Currently, we only send leads in a status that is supposed to show on your calendar that match the location of your calendar if using a multi-location account, are not "Email" delivery type (used for gift cards), and the event ends in the future or at least in the last 14 days. The only tasks that are synced are those set to remind you on your Google calendar that have the 'New' or 'In Progress' status, are linked to a lead, and have a reminder time set in the future or in the past 14 days. Restrictions subtract from the above current rules. They do not add any item not already found by the rules above. If an item was added to your calendar and later is restricted by your restrictions, we will remove it from your calendar. Calendar items to also be removed if those restrictions are not met.

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