Rental Inventory - Sharing Inventory Through Vendors

How-to video on sharing inventory

Share your Inventory with Others

You can share your inventory with another company to use as subcontractor through the software. Go to Settings --> Inventory and select the checkbox for the items you want share. If you want all of your inventory shared you can click the Name button at the top of table.

You will need to do this for each page of inventory or raise the "Items per page" before selecting the Name button.

Once you've selected the items you want to share, you'll need to click "the Share Item" from the drop down and select.

Once you've shared your inventory other IO users will be able to go to Settings --> Vendors and if you are within the Available Vendors mile radius they'll be able to add you as a vendor.

When your inventory has been added by another IO user you can go back to your inventory and the same way you shared the inventory, you can un-share the inventory (useful if you only want a specific company to have access to it).

Add Other's Inventory to Your Account

Go to Settings --> Vendors and search for nearby companies. Add them as a vendor.

Next, access their shared items by going to Settings, and then going to the Vendor tab of your inventory. Then you'll need to change the Drop Down that says "Vendor Items" to "Available Items".

Now you'll see a list of the shared items from your Vendors. To add these items to your account as vendor items you'll need to select the items you want, then click the "add rentals" button at the bottom of the table. 

You can use the Name Button to select all the items on a page if you need to.

Linked Items

If you do not edit the pricing for these vendor items, then the price will continue to be linked to the vendors account and will be adjusted accordingly. You can mark-up all prices from a vendor by editing that Vendor's markup %.

If, however, you end up adjusting the prices of items that have been shared with you, then the prices will no longer be linked and if they change that item's price, it will no longer adjust on your account.

Availability is not linked on these shared items and must still be verified via the normal Vendor procedure outlined in this document.

Vendor Sharing with an IO User

For vendor sharing where the vendor is also an IO user, we now make it simple to create leads for the item you are sharing. The lead is then connected to the vendor’s version to make management of them easier. We’ve also added an auto email to assist!

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