website theme/layout help

Cory S. shared this question 10 months ago

I'm struggling with elementor. Probably easy for most, but not me. I was trying to add site title (business name) and address to top header to help with search optimization and stuff, but now my site looks horrible on mobile.

Is there any way to start with a fresh theme or new layout without losing all inventory, photos, website address, ect? Just slap a new look on there that looks great on mobile, with site logo an address on top.

Really appreciate any advice or if someone could just get my site to look appropriate on mobile

Comments (2)


Hi Corey!

I can get our web team to fix the header for you if you'd like! Just let me know exactly where you are wanting the business name and address.

We can get your website theme changed all together if you'd still like! Just let me know what you would like to do and we can go from there.


Would it be too much to ask to just get a fresh website theme? It is important for me to have the business name (title) and address at the top. and then of course, phone number w/icon, email w/icon, a 'book now' option, a shopping cart just like normal. I promise I won't be too picky, just want it to work well on mobile. And if possible, go with red, white and blue colors. If the colors are too much to ask, I can probably figure that out myself. I just think I've messed my site up a little bit over editing it.

If you have any more questions, I'll be checking comments shortly. Thanks


if the biz name and address simply wont fit up top for mobile, we can move. I only put it there cuz I thought it would help for SEO.


Yes you are more than welcome to choose a new theme to relaunch your website with! Click here to see all of the themes we have to offer! Once you have chosen a theme, you will need to generate a new demo site. Click here to learn how to launch a new demo site. After that is done, just follow these instructions on this article and you will be all set!


OK, I think I will hold off on generating a new theme. Could I just get some help with the header. Is there a way to get the business name, and address at the top without it looking so horrible on Mobile?


I let our web team know and I will update you once they have finished!


This has been done!


Looks great, thank you so much


You're very welcome!

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