IO Phone- Extensions

Stephen V. shared this question 23 days ago

Like most people we receive a lot of spam calls, wasting hours every year!

I was hoping that I might be able to create a simple spam blocker.

My thought was to create an extension that- would apply to all ring schedules and would allow the client to push 0 to be connected to the right person based on the ring schedules. Not sure if that's even possible or if my punctuation is correct but figured I would ask. :P

Note- Under extension- action- it seems like it might work here but I can only see how to add two actions aka ring schedules.

Extra Credit- Would be to somehow denote that the caller did not press 0. The last thing I would want are my account manager following up on these missed (spam) calls!



Comments (2)


I have submitted this request to our developers and will let you know any updates.


Thank you!


That should work to block spam. It's evident who doesn't press the number because it won't say they pressed anything. It only shows a number in the log when one is pressed. We have 3 extensions. 1 for sales/lead support 1 for delivery information and 1 for active event support. Depending on how your ring schedules are set up. they should work how you suggested. 1 number to get through and the schedule determines who they go to if they fit in the schedule. You'd probably want to create a fall back ring schedule just in case someone doesn't fit another ring schedule. But that's me not being able to see what you have set up so far.


Thanks Chad! I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

Nice to know that it will be somewhat easy to filter out spam based on the IO phone log.

Any Idea on how I add more than just two ring schedules to one extension?


Idk. We just keep typing it out.


Nice! Must have been a glitch. Now I can add all of my ring schedules.

Hoping this work!

Thanks again.


I see you are already aware, our developers advised adding more ring schedules to the extension has been fixed.

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