
Shmuel F. shared this question 2 months ago

I’d like to provide you with a list of zip codes for our delivery and pickup areas. Could you set up a system where each zip code automatically applies the corresponding delivery and pickup charges on our website? Let me know how you’d like me to send the zip codes.

Best Answer

Here’s the updated message, including the link:

We’d like to clarify that the delivery and pickup fee is the same amount. You can display them separately or double the delivery fee to calculate the total. Delivery and pickup services start at [insert starting fee amount], or whatever way you recommend wording it

Here’s the link to the spreadsheet for your reference: Google Sheet. Let us know if you need anything else!

Comments (6)


You can set up your delivery charges by zip code by going to Settings-->Distance Charges, and setting these options up by zip code. The customer would have to receive a quote by entering in their delivery address in order to calculate those charges.


is there a way to give you a list

tried selecting to change both our locations at once, but it says a supervisor’s access is needed. Even when I attempted it from the supervisor’s account, it still doesn’t work. Is there another way to resolve this?


how many zip codes need to be entered for each location?


how many would that be?


Around 500


I have sent this request to our developers and will let you know of any updates.



Per our developer: you can now import the zip codes via the settings > import tool > zip codes.


Here’s the updated message, including the link:

We’d like to clarify that the delivery and pickup fee is the same amount. You can display them separately or double the delivery fee to calculate the total. Delivery and pickup services start at [insert starting fee amount], or whatever way you recommend wording it

Here’s the link to the spreadsheet for your reference: Google Sheet. Let us know if you need anything else!


For any zip codes not listed, please add a note requesting customers to send inquiries for an estimated delivery fee.


We can only show messages like this if for example you do not delivery to that area. You have it restricted. If you go to Settings-->Languages in the software you can update these messages here. There's messages for not being able to get quotes and why. So, the only way this would work is if you upload the zip codes...and then mark under distance charges that you do not deliver to them. Then when they enter a quote w/ one of these zip codes it will give them the message to contact office. The setting under languages will be for distance_out_of_range. You can type in what you want the message/alert to see when trying to quote this


Could you please assist us with setting up the following:

  1. Upload our list of zip codes for serviceable areas and apply the corresponding delivery and pickup charges.
  2. Configure the system to restrict delivery for unlisted zip codes.
  3. Update the message under distance_out_of_range to say:
    "Delivery to your area is currently unavailable. Please contact our office for assistance or for a custom quote."

We’d greatly appreciate your help with this setup. Let us know if you need the zip code list or any additional details to proceed.

Thank you!


Here is the information on how to import this file: https://rental.software/support/knowledge-base/article/imports

Once done go to Settings-->Distance Charges to set restrictions

Go to Settings-->Languages and set the distance_out_of_range message


Dear EventOffice Support Team,

I’ve been having trouble setting up our delivery and pickup charges by zip code. Could you assist us with the following:

  1. Upload Our Zip Code List:Apply the corresponding delivery and pickup charges based on the CSV file I’ll provide.
  2. Restrict Delivery for Unlisted Zip Codes:Ensure customers entering an unlisted zip code receive the message:
    "Delivery to your area is currently unavailable. Please contact our office for assistance or a custom quote."
  3. Verify the Setup:Test the system to confirm charges are displayed correctly for listed zip codes and restrictions apply to unlisted areas.

I’ll send the CSV file with the zip codes and charges shortly. Please let me know if you need any additional information to proceed.

Thank you so much for your help!

Best regards,


Go ahead and import this yourself and let us know what troubles you may run into. We can provide articles to help you learn and support any questions, and if something isn't working as it should then we will certainly take a look.


It appears that everything has gone through. Can you please confirm?

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